It was the day of the science exam. The teacher told the students that they had two exams. The students came prepared for the one exam scheduled in the timetable. They wondered what this was all about. The teacher looked at them and said, "Do not panic. The test for today is science, but it is also a test of integrity." He continued, "I have seen many students fail science tests with honesty but pass in life. But I have never seen any of my students succeed in life after failing the test of integrity."
The Bible gives us an example of integrity in Moses, the leader who led Israel out of captivity into freedom and the Promised Land. In Numbers 12:7, God said concerning Moses, "My servant Moses is faithful in all My household" (Num. 12:7). How incredible it is to receive such a testimony from God Himself! May we aspire to hear such words about ourselves too.
But how do we lose integrity? When we make something meaningless, like fame or wealth, our priority. For example, when students achieve full marks by copying, they are pursuing success that is not permanent. Moses, on the other hand, stood the test because of his faith. "By faith, Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. By faith, Moses, when grown, refused the privileges of the Egyptian royal house" (Hebrews 11:24-25). He learned to say no to the attractive privileges that came with compromising with the world. May God help us to do the same. God is pleased when we walk in His ways. He is like a loving parent who says these words in delight: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth" (3 John 1:4). May we bring joy to His heart.
Dear God, we desire hearts and lives of faithfulness, hearts of integrity. May Your faithfulness and holiness be present everywhere You have placed us. May we, like Moses, be faithful in all Your household. All that we have is Yours. May the mark of faithfulness be written on everything we do. "Holy unto the Lord" is what we want inscribed in every area of our lives. Strengthen us, Lord. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.