Recently, I saw a reunion of a family in the metro station. What joy they shared with each other! Though happiness is not the goal of Christian life, it is not necessary for us to be sad and live like hopeless people. "Happy is the person who trusts the LORD,"( psalm 40 verse 4) Happy are those whose strength comes from you,says the Bible in Psalms 84:5. Keeping our joy, which we received from the day of our salvation, is crucial in Christian life. God has helped us cross the past seven months with His grace. It actually feels like I have just finished attending the New Year service, but now I am standing on the threshold of the eighth month. Eight represents a new beginning. Malachi 7:8 says, "Don't boast over me, my enemy. Though I fall, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light." Whatever situation we are in, let us cling to our Father's hand and learn to live in the light of the Lord, being filled with the hope that comes from trusting Him. Let joy and peace always reside in our hearts. God has good things in store for our future. He is a God who makes covenants with us and keeps His promises. Let us keep on trusting, hoping, and being joyful as we walk into this new month.
Dear God,
Thank you so much for loving us. We put our trust in You. We choose to keep our joy with us. Hold us close and lead us into this new month, dear Lord. Amen.