I recently read an article from The Times of India with the title, "Beach drives clear the shore, but how do we clean up our act?" It meant that while organized efforts by environmentalists or volunteers can remove litter from the beach, what are we doing to clean up our basic habits of throwing plastics or other waste into the sea, which is harmful to the living beings inside it? Without addressing the root cause, there can be no solution to the problem.
Similarly, the Bible says,
The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. I John 1:9.
but when sin becomes a habit, the solution lies in eradicating the root cause. Simply praying and getting cleansed, and going back to sin again cannot fully purify us before our Father. The Son gave His life to cleanse us from sin. What are we doing to stay away from it? Are we still with the same friends? Are we still in the same places? Are we neglecting our Bible reading and prayer life? God expects—and even we desire—a stable Christian life. Rising with determination to be clean and running towards the Father will help us live a holy life.
Cutting the root cause is what Jesus meant when He said,
"And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire". Matthew 18:9
We ought to be like our Father—the Holy One, the conqueror, the strong tower. May we learn to behave like His sons and daughters.
Dear God,
Thank you for the power you have given us to live a clean life by being cleansed with the blood of the Lamb. May we give our full effort to cut our roots. Thank you for the strength that will help us climb the mountains we thought we couldn’t climb, for the strength that will help us leap over walls, and for your mighty strength that will help us crush an army.
In Jesus' name, we thank you. Amen.