I recently visited my friend, who has a little son. It was evening, and the boy eagerly awaited his dad's return from work. Twice he asked us, "When will Dad come?" His mom reassured him, "Wait, he will reach home soon." After a few minutes, his dad arrived. The little one shouted, "Dad!" and ran outside to open the door and greet him with pure love. It reminded me of how I used to rush to open the long gate for my dad—a golden memory.
Then the little one joyfully came to us with a box of cake his dad had bought for him. I said to his mom, "See what a reward he got for waiting patiently." She replied, "Yes, this is how he is every day."
It made me reflect: how eagerly do we wait for our heavenly Father? Do we anticipate His presence daily? Do we rejoice like that child and love deeply when we finally hear His voice? Can our Father see the pure joy in us when He looks at us? Let's wait upon the Lord every day with love.
Hebrews 11:6 says, 'he rewards those who earnestly seek him. '
Even the lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing (Psalm 34:10).
A year ago, I visited Madhuranthakam and remembered a well-known man of God I had met years before. I asked my husband to take me there, and he gladly agreed as we had some work nearby. When we arrived, we found no one in the compound except a frail old woman, who informed us that the man of God was resting in his room after a day of ministry. She said he wasn't to be disturbed at that time. Despite explaining that I had traveled far, she couldn't do much. After waiting a few more minutes, I decided to leave.
During this time, God spoke to me and said, "Daughter, it's okay that you traveled eagerly to meet this tired man. Instead, you could have waited on Me, his Master, who is never tired to meet with you directly." I took the words of the Holy Spirit to heart and thanked Him for His ever-present love.
Psalm 130:5
“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;”
Dear God, thank You for Your love. Help us to walk closely with You and to know Your loving heart, dear Father. May we find satisfaction in Your presence and always feel able to reach out to You. We love You. In Jesus' name, we thank You. Amen.