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Slowing down can do more good!

Hey friend... How refreshing it is to finish a week and step into the weekend. For some of us, this is the only time to go on a long-awaited walk in the park, do the gardening, chat with family, or shop for the family. Just wanted to spark a little thought before we dive into our exciting day ahead.

Some of you may be familiar with an animation called Inside Out, a movie that depicts how our emotions are at work inside us. Whenever you see the character Anger at work, it acts in a rush. When left unnoticed, this behavior will continue and become the prime characteristic that defines a person. But more than anything, I feel sad for people who are projected as having Anger as their notable emotion. I have seen such people being used by others to achieve their means. And whenever an issue arises, people do not focus on the basis of the problem but find it very easy to blame Mr. Anger. They are the easy targets everywhere! This makes the so-called soft-acting manipulators have their way!

Recently, I came across a learned man from the medical field hurling abuses at the employees of a restaurant in just a moment. Yes, when Mr. Anger displays Anger through words, it is a thoughtless hurling of words and can be rightly named as Abuse and nothing else. This will kill the spirit of another person.

Hey friend, God has given us a life to live well. When you give a chance to anger in your life, you are giving yourself a chance to be disrespected, to be ignored, and to be used by cunning manipulators.

May God give us the wisdom to use it wisely. May we never use it to show our power over others.

James 1:19-20“My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness.”

Keep the above and listen quickly, be slow to speak, and slow to anger. The quickness here in otherwise will display foolishness. I have heard that people who hurl abuses have a spirit of anger behind them. May we control our environment by praising God and create an atmosphere of joy and worship where the devil can never enter.

Dear God, give us grace to be slow to anger and be wise in controlling our emotions. May we have the wisdom to create an atmosphere of praise everywhere we go and live. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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