God knows everything that happened in our past, is happening in our present, and will happen in the future. He knows when we will be born and also when we will return to Him. It is God who determines our days and protects us from every harm. In Matthew 2, verse 19 says, 'After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother, and go back to the land of Israel because those who tried to kill the child are dead."'
Jesus submitted himself to God's will at Gethsemane and chose the cross, dying. A Roman official, Pilate, who was not completely against Jesus, washed his hands in the bowl and left him to be killed on the cross.On the other hand, when Jesus was young, he was highly protected by an angel to keep him away from King Herod, who tried to kill him. The enemy who wanted to take his life couldn't succeed.
When we walk in the will of God, He protects us and keeps us away from every intentional harm. He has started the journey of faith in us, and He will finish it.Hey friend, are you afraid of any Herod in your life, be it a disease or anything or anyone that is trying to destroy your life, your career, or your good name? The Lord knows, He protects. Make sure to listen to what God is telling you. Sharpen your ears and walk in His guidance.
Dear God, fill us with courage and take away any kind of fear that grips us. Thank you for every angel You have appointed for us. May we cherish to walk and fulfill Your will in the days that have been given to us on this earth. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.