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Handle It God’s Way!

There is an interesting passage in the Bible about temple tax found in Matthew chapter 17. Here, Jesus is staying at Peter's house in Capernaum. The collector of the temple tax asks Peter as the head of the house,

"Does your teacher pay the temple tax ?"

The origin of the temple tax is found in Exodus 30. Whenever a census is taken, God commanded that the men should pay a particular amount of money as a ransom for his life. God told to use this money for the upkeep of the temple. Only the Levites were exempted from paying this tax, because the Levites were dedicated to the service of God in the temple.

Over time, this temple tax became a matter of Patriotic pride for the Jews and it was collected even when no census was taken.

Jesus knew this when He says to Peter,

"But we don't want to offend these people."

And he miraculously provides for the temple tax through a coin from the mouth of a fish.

I simply love Jesus' reply here. Jesus didn’t fight every battle that came to Him. The Levites do not need to pay the temple tax. He made sure that Simon understood they were not obliged to pay, just as the Levites (people who are set apart to do God’s work) are exempt from paying the tax to the temple collector.

Jesus was not a Levite, but He is the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, appointed by divine authority. This is affirmed in Psalm 110:4: "The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind: 'You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.'"

When He says the children are exempt, Jesus also refers to His relationship as Son with the Father God.

We don't need to fight every battle we encounter. It is wise to avoid offensive conversations and let go of situations where God has put a full stop in our lives. Guarding our peace and moving on is often the best course of action, as God will take care of everything.

Hey friend, whenever we struggle to avoid unnecessary confrontation or dialogues, take a deep breath, control your emotions, and give yourself some time. The same rush of emotion that urges you to prove someone wrong will fade away. And God's peace will guard your heart. May God give us the wisdom to avoid impulsive confrontation.

Dear God, thank You for guiding us in dealing with unnecessary offensive situations. May Your wisdom and Your Word lead us and keep us in perfect peace. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


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