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Faith, Prayer, Discipleship

After Jesus started his ministry, we see Him always on the move, doing everything to build the kingdom of God. He brought knowledge about God the Father to the people.

Father God:

There are two things about Father God that Matthew chapter 6, verses 4 and 6, highlights: He is in the secret place, He sees in secret, and He rewards our actions in our secret life.

Prayer and fasting prayer:

He doesn't hear repetitive words but responds to a sincere prayer—one that gives glory to Him and seeks to do His will on earth. It is a prayer where we rely on Him for our daily bread, seek His forgiveness after forgiving those who hurt us, and ask Him to help us overcome the temptations of the world. It is a prayer seeking shelter in Him from the evil one. When we fast and pray, God specifically hears our fasting when we present ourselves with joy, washing our face and wearing a smile rather than showing sadness.

A life of faith:

While on earth, we often seek to earn and accumulate wealth, but Jesus challenges us to store our wealth in heaven, where it cannot be destroyed. He specifically asks us to keep our eyes clean, as they are the light of the body. Jesus also emphasizes not worrying about today or tomorrow, food, clothing, or our body. So, what does He want us to do? Only one thing: seek His kingdom first. We can be assured that our Father in heaven will give us good gifts and answer our prayers, just as we would never give a stone to our child who asks for bread. Jesus doesn’t promise an easy path in life but encourages us to take the narrow, difficult path—a life of faith.

Ministry of Jesus:

It is amazing to see the style of Jesus’ teaching. He taught with authority and appreciated the faith in people. Whenever people chose to trust Him in the midst of pain or sickness, He marveled at their faith, appreciated them, and showed compassion to them. None who sought Jesus left without receiving something. He assured that those who trust Him—whoever they may be and whatever background they come from—will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in heaven.

Jesus, His disciples and multitude:

Jesus did everything for His disciples. He went to their houses and healed the sick. For example, He healed Peter’s mother-in-law. He protected them from the raging sea and storm, rebuking nature when it came against them. Whenever Jesus spoke with people, He spoke knowing their thoughts. When He saw the multitude, He was moved with compassion and prayed to God to send more workers. Soon after that, He equipped His disciples with instructions, gave them power, and sent them to minister to the people. He challenged them to face opposition for choosing to follow Him and asked them to take up their cross and follow Him.

Hey friend, how privileged we are to read about the life of our Lord God—how our God loved, taught, and empowered those who sought Him.

Dear Jesus, thank You for teaching us how to pray, how to fast, how not to worry, and how good the Father is in providing for us and protecting us. Help us to walk the narrow path. Fill us with Your compassion and with a zeal to work like You to build Your kingdom on earth. Help us not to drown in our thoughts about our earthly life, but may we be focused and work towards adding treasures in heaven.

Thank You, Lord, for being our healer, our counselor, and our fierce protector when we face the raging sea. Fill us with Your power, just as You filled Your disciples, Lord.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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© 2025  by Anitha Jebarani from Lady Doak College. All rights reserved.

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