A man was walking a long distance. On his way, he saw many people. Each person who saw him carrying a sack put a stone inside it. He walked a little further and met another person who added another stone to his sack. This continued for a long time until, eventually, he became exhausted, unable to carry the burden any longer, and fell down.
In the same way, in our Bible, Jesus Christ our Lord carried the cross and walked in pain. Researchers indicate that this walk could have lasted for more than an hour to three hours as Jesus stopped in many places. Along the way, they came across a man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus’ cross, as stated in Matthew 27:32. It was not a willing help, yet he assisted as Jesus carried the cross.
In our Christian walk, we are all carrying our own cross. Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Nothing in the Bible is a random act. Simon helping Jesus is there to teach us that we need to help each other with prayers, sharing, caring, and offering support in any way we can to carry each other's cross. It is meaningless to say, "Go carry your cross by yourself. Live, endure, suffer, and die." In any little way, if you can ease another person's burden, may God help you to do so in love.

It may be simply listening to someone, praying with someone, giving verses of encouragement to them, talking someone through a difficult time, or buying someone what they need. Do the little things. Go along with them a bit further, lighten their burden. When we do so, Jesus will be watching and clapping for us. He knows the importance of the help you offer in easing a burdened person's load.
Dear God, thank you for letting us learn about these beautiful Bible passages where we are taught about carrying each other's burdens. Help us to lighten the burden of our brothers and sisters in need. Surround us with people who align their lives with these words. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.