Deborah is called a mother of Israel in the Bible. She can be described as a gifted and anointed woman of God. First of all, Deborah is a prophetess.
Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time.Judges 4:4
A prophet is someone who receives the word of the Lord and shares it with the people, whether written or spoken. Prophets are those who tell the truth amid deceiving, sugar-coated, twisted theories. Secondly, Deborah is a judge. A judge should know and declare what is right, who is right, and who is wrong. The Bible says that God is the righteous Judge, and wisdom for judgment comes from the Lord. This is also evident in Solomon’s life. A ruler must tell people what is right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable. There can be no beating around the bush; people need righteous judgment, and Deborah provided this with God’s wisdom.
Thirdly, Deborah is a military strategist. She devised military plans for Israel’s army and even went to battle.
And she said, "I will surely go with you.(To the battlefield ). Judges 4:9.
Fourthly, she is a worship leader; we see her singing in Judges, chapter 5. She says, "I will sing and make melody to the Lord." What a powerful life she lived.
I, will sing to the Lord; I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel". Judges 5:3
Judges 5 is a song sung by Deborah and Barak after they defeated the Canaanites and King Jabin. The song praises God for saving His people with great power. Deborah also sings about God raising her up as a mother to Israel when they won their enemies.
A group of students from a Bible college visited John Wesley’s house, which is now open to visitors. They saw his room, his table, his Bible, and his place of prayer. The students looked at the spot where John Wesley knelt in prayer. Then they returned to board their bus, but one student was missing. When the professor and other students went back to search, they found that student kneeling and praying in the very place where John Wesley had prayed. They saw the student repeatedly saying, "Do it again, Lord. Do it again, Lord." That student was none other than Billy Graham, the greatest evangelist the world has ever seen.

Hey friend, people like Deborah, John Wesley, and Billy Graham lived before us and showed us what God can do through a man or woman in a lifetime. May we pray like Billy Graham: "Do it again, Lord."
Dear God, thank you for your love and for the Good News you desire to share with those around us. Use us, dear Lord. Like Billy Graham, we ask you to do it again, dear Lord. Use everything we have to build your kingdom. Use our lives; fill us with the anointing of Deborah. May we be like her, a mother of Israel. Lord, give us your anointing to share your words with people, to judge and declare what is right and what is wrong before you, to strategize and wage wars in the army of God, to sing songs, and to lead worship. Use us, dear Lord; may we be your Deborah.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.