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Because He lives

Our God is called the God of armies. Whenever the Lord steps in, no war ends in defeat. We see Elisha and his servant standing against the king's army with the army of God on their side. This story can be found in 2 Kings 6. The king of Aram sent an army to kill the prophet. The servant was afraid of the coming attack, but when Elisha prayed for his servant to see what he saw, the servant saw that the army of God with them was greater than the army of the enemy coming against them.

Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 kings verse 15,16

The Lord of armies has given each of us a sword.

We use God's sword when we quote His word in prayer. Instead of focusing on our list of wants, needs, and dreams in prayer, we need to learn to use appropriate verses as powerful swords, unlike the ordinary words we use. We can meditate on, memorize, and use those verses in prayer. When we are in trouble, the Spirit of the Lord will bring them to our mind to wage war. Immediately, the verses will bring peace to the storms in our minds. When we repeat the same verse again and again throughout the day, loudly, we can see ourselves becoming stronger in spirit. The way to be prepared at all times is to keep filling our minds with God's words.

I clearly remember a time when I was walking on the main road of my colony during a morning walk. The enemy was telling me that Iies and was trying to bring me down. But God empowered me with a verse that strengthened my heart. God asked me to repeat Job’s words, "My Redeemer lives." As I said it again and again, I felt a powerful presence filling me, and the thoughts fighting against me faded to nothing. We must know that we can stand against an army with our God of armies by our side. Nothing can stand against us as long as we are rooted in God's words. Like Joshua, we will defeat all 32 kings. Like Elisha we will stand courageously knowing that the army against us have no chance against us.

Dear God, thank You for Your mighty name. Thank You for being on our side as the God of armies. May we live lives of power. Help us not to fight against each other, but against the enemy with the strength of the God of armies. May we not have defeated wars, but always be victorious in the battles we face. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


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© 2025  by Anitha Jebarani from Lady Doak College. All rights reserved.

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