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At work with our father

All of us have WhatsApp, where we update our "about" details. Sometimes, people set it as "busy"; other times, they keep it as "at work" or "available." When we look at our contact list, these details are visible. What would Jesus' "about" be if He had a WhatsApp account? Imagining my answer based on the Bible, it would be "In His Work."

John 5:17 goes as follows: "But Jesus answered them, ‘My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.’" When Jesus speaks of work, He is not referring to carpentry or His earthly father, Joseph. He is speaking about God the Father and working for the kingdom of God.

While living on earth, Jesus was doing heavenly work. Like Jesus, may we long to do our Father's work while we are here. When our Father in heaven sees us, may He find our "about" as "In His Work."

He also says: "I say to you, a son cannot do anything on his own, but only what he sees his Father doing." Are we trying to accomplish anything on our own? May we learn from Jesus to work with our Father, not doing anything out of our own will and strength. May our thoughts not be consumed by work and its worries. If we truly believe in His willingness to work with us, we will not worry about anything—we will be at rest.

Dear Father,

Give us wisdom to be like Jesus and work alongside You, wherever You have placed us in this life. May we never forget to be at work for You and with You. May every movement of our day be directed by You. Keep us away from anything that distracts us from doing Your work or Your will. We place our earthly responsibilities in Your hands. May our thoughts not be filled with fear or worries about it but with the desire to work it out alongside You. May You hold our hands and lead us every minute.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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© 2025  by Anitha Jebarani from Lady Doak College. All rights reserved.

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